Today, I'm overwhelmed.
13 years ago I wrote a story about a man that nearly took my passion for music from me. His conduct and mistreatment nearly destroyed my relationship with my parents and music. My Senior Year of HS, I decided I'd had enough and that I was going to replace every tear he caused with an accomplishment. Today's accomplishment pays that promise in full.
It is my incredible pleasure to announce that I'M NOW A PUBLISHED WRITER! My story has been included in "88 More Ways Music Can Change Your Life" and will be shared with hundreds of thousands of people to inspire change and empowerment. Words will never describe the impact this story and this moment have had on me. I'm eternally grateful.
Please join me in celebrating by ordering your copy on Amazon today!
"Never walk in a straight line -- for the things we cherish the most are often found off the beaten path." - Chaz